Advent of code 2021: Day 15
- 11 minutes read - 2192 wordsAdvent of Code 2021 day 15 took us back to the 2-dimensional maps we first encountered on Day 11 and Day 9. We had to parse a map again, and this time we had to find the shortest path from the top left to the bottom right. This was the first time when a homespun algorithm just did not cut the mustard, and I had to wrack my brain (i.e. use Google) to do a bit of algorithm research. Though I made sure not to peek at any haskell implementations. That would’ve been cheating.
First Try - Epic Fail
So the backstory for this puzzle was in order for the Santa submarine to escape a cave, we had to navigate a map and find the least risky path. The map would be represented as such:
To get from the top left to the bottom right, we would want to traverse the map with the least risk where risk is the summed value up of every field we pass. The lowest risk of this would be along the left and bottom edge: 1+1+2+1+3=9.
So I figured how hard can it be and turned the list of strings into a map of (x, y) coordinates mapped to the risk value. Then add the risk value of this point with the minimum of the neighbours, and just recursively go through the list (taking care of not visiting points I’d visited before).
And then I tried it on the example output. And waited. And waited. That wasn’t going to work. I was not even finished with part one. Thinking about the algorithm because I was going to check the neighbours and the neighbours were going to check their neighbours, there’s going to be a lot of duplicate effort. Exponentially more effort. And as soon as exponential enters the frame, it’s time to rethink!
Second Try - Somewhat Fail
So I did a bit of research (basically entered “Shortest Path” and “Algorithm” into Google) and up popped good old Dijkstra.
The pseudo code for Dijkstra’s algorithm is:
Set all distances to Infinity
Except the first point (which is 0)
Start at first point
Update the distances of all neighbours
Find the nearest node not yet visited
End Loop
So that’s what I looked at doing:
First, let’s define some types:
The idea was that I’d make a priority queue which would hold the coordinate and combined distance from the source. By implementing a priority queue, the item with the lowest distance would always be at the top.
Here was my stab at a priority queue:
The “pqPush” operation would start at the beginning, and move the the next part of the list until it finds
an item with higher priority. At which point this would insert the record. I find the pattern matching with the
particularly helpful there. To look at the following in detail:
That looks a bit of a handful! But essentially it’s just two parameters:
(a, Int)
is a tuple of a generic typea
and an integer.PQueue a
is our priority queue with generic type a. Looking at the type definition ofPQueue
shows that this is just[(a, Int)]
- a list of the same tuple.
So looking at the first parameter, we’re destructuring the tuple (a, Int)
into e@(_, pri)
, which means
specifies which contains the whole tuple_
means we don’t care about the first item in the tuplepri
holds the value of the priority.
For the second parameter, it gets a little more involved, but that’s what makes this destructuring notation so powerful
(I got to know this in Scala and now wince a little every time I use a language where that’s not available). So
for qs@(q@(_, pri') : qs')
we have
- a list
which is the whole parameter - the first element of the list (the head of the list)
- the priority
- and the tail of the list
Using the destructured parameters, adding the element e
to the list in priority order is easy:
- If the priority value
is less than the priority at the head of the list (pri'
), then we insert the element before the whole list. - Otherwise, we call
recursively with the tail of the list and insert the element that way. This feels inefficient coming from an imperative programming background, but as no new objects are created for the tail, the recursive processing of each element is quite performant (especially as Haskell tends to optimise this using tail recursion automatically)
In addition, I implemented pqRemove
and pqUpdate
to update priority of an item and to remove an item from the head
of the list.
With that priority queue, I was able to implement Djikstra’s shortest path algorithm:
Unpacking what’s going on there:
returns any neighbours of a point(x, y)
but it has to be on the risk map. This automatically
ensures that points at the edge of the map are not returned.- the
function would take a list of points and returns updated distances based on the existing distances or the distances based on the risk map - both of those return the new distances for the neighbours
- that is then used to update the distance map - I used
) to merge the new distances with the existing ones creatingdists'
- then we update the priority list to update the new distances too
- then we remove the existing point from the risk map - this prevents them from being visited again
- finally, we call
recursively until all elements on the queue are done
Once all the points have been calculated, I can just lookup the distance on the final element and I’d have my answer for part one.
So far so good!
Third Try - Success
For the second part, it turns out that my algorithm would have to be more efficient again. It turns out the size of our input was not big enough. Really the input was 25 times larger, whereby the original input would be repeated (and increased) into 5x5 tiles.
As I had already transformed the 2d array into a list of coordinate tuples, making the tiles would just be a matter of transforming the original list 25 times. First my function for transforming:
Unpacking this function:
- It takes a list of points and their associated values
- It also takes a transformation point (i.e. where on the 5x5 grid should new point by - from
(0, 0)
to(4, 4)
) - And I pass in the dimensions (
), the width (w
) and height (h
) of the original grid. - To “move”, the position is adjusted as follows
(x+x'*w, y+y'*h)
- and the risk value as such
((r+x'+y'-1) ``mod`` 9) + 1
- this ensures that the value is increased but rolls over if it passes 9 as per requirements.
Then I can use that to transform the whole input:
The makeTransforms
just creates a list like so:
The original list is then transformed 25 times (the transform at (0, 0)
does not change the original list), and the
resulting list of lists is then turned into a single list containing all the points.
As it turns out the list is a bit big. And my previous algorithm takes a long long time to run (I interrupted it after 10 minutes, so I don’t actually know how long!)
But I figured as I was using an algorithm that should be known to every Computer Science degree, it was unlikely that the problem was with the algorithm, probably my implementation was a bit shoddy.
My first thought of where the problem could be was here:
In order to update all the items in my priority queue, I’d traverse it to remove the item, only then to traverse it again to push the item back in with the new priority. Considering that I would do this for every neighbour on ever point I’m processing I put it down as something to fix.
Here’s what I changed:
- Instead of initialising my priority queue with all the elements, so I’d have to update items again and again, I’d just start with the items being processed. That way it keeps the list small. I’d also use a set to keep track of the points already visited.
- Instead of relying on the risk map to check whether a point is on or off the grid, I’d pass the dimensions to
function and use that to filter off-grid coordinates.
- Instead of updating any point regardless of whether it had changed, I’d only update points where the distance had changed
distances :: RiskMap -> DistMap -> Int -> [Point] -> [(Point, Int)]
distances risks dists d ns = ns >>= (distance risks dists d)
distance :: RiskMap -> DistMap -> Int -> Point -> [(Point, Int)]
distance risks dists d p = distance' p (dists ! p) (d + (risks ! p))
distance' :: Point -> Int -> Int -> [(Point, Int)]
distance' p d d'
| d' < d = [(p, d')]
| otherwise = []
What I did there was to use the bind operator >>=
to change the list, so that if the distance does not change,
returns an empty list, which means the item currently being processed is removed from the list. This
is the behaviour of the monadic bind. Previously I’ve grown to really like it as the flatMap
function in Scala.
Once all those change were in, my algorithm ran on the extended size part two input in about 90 seconds. At that point I stopped trying to make further optimisations. If I had, I might have looked into binary heaps or tree data structures for the priority map.
Rest of the solution on GitHub
I loved this puzzle, as it meant having to reach further into the algorithm toolbox and pure intuition was not good enough. I found it really interesting optimising the second part to ensure that my algorithm implementation was as good as the algorithm itself…
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