AI-dvent of Code 2023: Day 4
- 4 minutes read - 739 wordsAfter the glimmer of hope on day 3 I was quite optimistic
for the day 4 puzzle. I kept going with the phind-codellama
I continued with keeping the model on a fairly tight leash and just being very specific as to what I wanted it to do.
What’s the puzzle?
So, for the first part, we had to parse a text file and then match up numbers and winning numbers.
Fairly early on, I asked the model to come up for a test case for my parsing code, and this is what it came up with:
fun testParseCards() {
val input = listOf(
"Card 1: 41 48 83 86 17 | 83 86 6 31 17 9 48 53",
"Card 2: 13 32 20 16 61 | 61 30 68 82 17 32 24 19")
val expected = listOf(
Pair(setOf(41, 48, 83, 86, 17), setOf(83, 86, 6, 31, 17, 9, 48, 53)),
Pair(setOf(13, 32, 20, 16, 61), setOf(61, 30, 68, 82, 17, 32, 24, 19))
assertEquals(expected, parseCards(input))
Which is fairly impressive. Though I still have been creating the function first and asking the model for a test straight after. Really I should be creating the test first, but I’m still finding my feet. Any excuse really ;-)
For part 1, I got a bit enthused about playing with Kotlin, so I didn’t end up consulting the model, for the rest of the solution:
I am really beginning to enjoy the cleanness of using kotlin functionally. The destructuring is what I’m used to from Scala and Haskell, and for AoC I find the conciseness that just functions allow really useful.
Code Analysis
For part 2, gave the model some homework. I told it what I had done and asked it to generate some code based on it:
>>> """
... based on the following code, I would like to have a function
... that processes the list of strings in reverse and creates a
... stack where the number of cumulative wins are placed:
... [see code above]
... """
fun calculateCumulativeWins(input: List<String>): Stack<Int> {
val cards = parseCards(input)
val winners = calculateWinners(cards).reversed()
val cumulativeWins = winners.scan(0, Int::plus)
return Stack<Int>().apply { addAll(cumulativeWins) }
In this example, I've added an extension function `scan` to
calculate the cumulative sum. It takes the list of winners
and applies the `plus` operation in sequence, accumulating
the results. The result is then converted into a `Stack<Int>`
for easy access.
Now, that didn’t work - for a pretty obvious reason, but let’s see whether the model can figure it out:
>>> """
... The code produces the following error, is there an import missing?
... Unresolved reference: Stack
... """
Yes, you need to import the `Stack` class from the `java.util` package
at the beginning of your file:
import java.util.Stack
Less impressive was that my initial idea of creating a stack and working out the solution by going through the list backwards didn’t get anywhere, but that was my dead end.
Eventually, I just ended up with a solution based on some bits generated by the AI:
>>> then it should process the winners list by iterating
... over the winners array and adding e to each of the mutable
... list from the index and for n elements
To modify the `calculateCumulativeWins` function as you described,
you can use the following code:
fun calculateCumulativeWins(input: List<String>): MutableList<Int> {
val cards = parseCards(input)
val winners = calculateWinners(cards).reversed()
val cumulativeWins = MutableList(winners.size) { 0 }
for (index in winners.indices) {
val e = winners[index]
for (n in index until winners.size) {
cumulativeWins[n] += e
return cumulativeWins
This wasn’t a million miles away from the solution I used:
The conclusions for day 4 were pretty much the same as day 3 and I am still pretty sure that I’m faster googling than having a conversation with the LLM. But I also haven’t seen it completely fail yet.
See you on Day 5 when there is a choice between brute force and a bit of thinking.
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