Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “conference”
Scan Agile 2025: People Power
I’m on the plane returning from a Scan Agile conference that was just joyful. What made it that way? Was it the setting in the gorgeous looking Paastorni conference centre, was it the fact that the hotel was next door or was it because the speaker dinner the night before the conference set just about the right tone? Erm, of course that all helped, but I think it was the people.
Lean Agile Scotland: Sustainability
This post is all about sustainablity. And communication. And agile. Let me start from the beginning. I’m sat on the train, coming back from Lean Agile Scotland 2024 and I’m thinking about what I’ve heard, seen and done. The conference was great, and allowed for catching up with old and new friends, finding kindred spirits and having good food. Yes, the older you get, the more important the question of “where shall we eat?
SteelCon 2024: It was acceptable in the 80s
Sheffield is the city of steel, and at the heart of it lies a lovely university building - the Owen building that hosted the
North’s premier hacker con
And I had been accepted to talk at SteelCon about AppSec and Agile and who wouldn’t want to drive over Snake Pass to cross into the wrong side of the Pennines. [Ducks].
Over the past year, I found myself going to quite a few community infosec events (I did the Northern BSides triathlon last year - Lancs, Leeds and Newcastle) and I feel like becoming part this family and have always felt really welcomed in this anarchic environment where leaf blowers and complaints desks take on special meanings.
Agile on the Beach 2024: Vulnerabilities are cool
After the fantastic experience of speaking at Agile on the Beach 2023 a year before, I was back for more agile. This meant more driving: again I took the motorway barge for the long road trip from the North West to almost the tip of the South West. For international readers, when I say North West, I mean England, somewhere near Preston, and the South West is in pretty Falmouth, Kernow (Cornwall).
DevOpsDays Amsterdam 2024
Once again, I’m sat at Schipol Airport typing up my thoughts about a few days of refreshing Dutch DevOps Goodness! Ok, I admit one or five alcoholic beverages might have been involved too. This was my first DevOpsDays and it did not disappoint.
My day started at 3am to catch a flight at 6am but because I was still awake at 1:30 and had decided sleep is for wimps, I arrived a little bit wired.
Agile Manchester 2024: agile is fragile
Many conferences have a hallway track, I loved that Agile Manchester had a jigsaw track. The organisers put out a jigsaw on a big table where attendees could mingle over searching through the 2000 pieces and chat at the same time. Such a great way of breaking the ice. And such a brilliant metaphor. A complex task is achieved through self organisation. Teams self-select and offer assistance all without intervention and imposed coordination or management.
Cyber Measures Up in Manchester
Peter Drucker said “What gets measured, gets managed”. When I turned up at Old Trafford, home of Manchester’s red team (it’s a security conference, geddit) for The Future of Cyber, I certainly was measurably impressed by the setting even though I’m usually found more on the blue spectrum of infosec.
But let’s get into the talks!
Measure, measure, measure First, Greg Notch talked about the importance of using metrics in communication.
BSides Newcastle 2023: Chaos for the future
After BSides Lancs and Leeds, Newcastle was my third BSides, both of the year and ever. I got up early in the morning for a road trip from Preston to Newcastle, and setting off at 5:30 on Saturday turned out to be atmospheric and straightforward. So I was a bit early and got a glimpse of the chaos that is putting together a BSides. Later I found out that BSides Newcastle was traditionally more chaotic than some of the other BSides.
44CON 2023: It takes a Village
As I stare at my laptop after an intense few days at 44CON, I reflect on the experience. I went through a lot of different emotions. Excitement, trepidation, relief, bewilderment, pride, disappointment and hope had accompanied my visit to London to 44CON. We had an OSINT Capture The Flag competition happen right next to a round-table discussion on how the government should secure the country. Looking from outside in, a rallying cry of “Hack the Planet” (if you want to feel old, it turned 28 during the con) side-by-side with the establishment might not be the first thing to expect at a security conference.
Agile on the Beach 2023: we're going to need a bigger boat
I am back at home, a few days after my first experience of Agile on the Beach. There were a few problems with it (yes, yes, I’m baiting you, I loved it). There was too much quality, it was really hard to pick which talks to go to. There was too much fun, it was difficult to leave the after-party after the beach party. And it was hard to keep track of all the new faces and names.
BSides Leeds 2023: Get the basics right
It is a couple of weeks after my trip to Leeds to go speak at BSides. Now, if you’ve never been to a BSides - and I had only been to one prior - then hopefully this gives you a bit of a feel as to what to expect. In short, there’s lots of interesting people with great talks and insights and something that feels just right. A bit of community and some weird people.
DevOps Enterprise Summit - airport culture
As I am sitting at Schipol Airport, contemplating that the airport is so big it has a branch of the Rijksmuseum, I can’t help but thinking about the fabulous conference I’ve just been to. The DevOps Enterprise Summit 2023 has exceeded my expectations. But before I get to there, I’d just like to develop the airport metaphor a little bit. So here I am, looking at culture.
Why was it that at Schipol, one of the busiest airports in the world, it was a breeze to get through security, airport security agents were smiling, cracking jokes, I could leave my laptop, toothpaste and deodorant in the bag and they have art in the middle of the airport, goddammit.
DevOps Enterprise Summit - simple paper cranes
As I am sitting on the 16th floor of the Okura Hotel in Amsterdam in my Batman pyjamas and facing a large mirror, just glimpsing the paper crane that was so lovingly put on my pillow, I’m starting to reflect what has happened during the day. I was lucky enough to be a guest at the DevOps Enterprise Summit. There was certainly plenty of things to get excited about.
I’d meet Gene Kim, who’s been running this conference for 10 years and who wrote the Phoenix Project.
The agile power of saying no
I am sitting on the train as I type this coming back from my first IRL conference. Lean Agile Scotland 2022 was brilliant. I met so many people with ideas that just chime with my thinking on agile, I feel energised and full of ideas
No Bugs No Decisions No Deadlines No Fear What follows are some thoughts that I took away from some of sessions the conference. There were lots of exciting talks and workshops and it was a pity that I couldn’t clone myself to go to more of them (I was gutted to miss sessions that coincided with my own talk).