Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “kotlin”
AI-dvent of Code 2023: Day 4
After the glimmer of hope on day 3 I was quite optimistic for the day 4 puzzle. I kept going with the phind-codellama model. I continued with keeping the model on a fairly tight leash and just being very specific as to what I wanted it to do.
What’s the puzzle? So, for the first part, we had to parse a text file and then match up numbers and winning numbers.
AI-dvent of Code 2023: Day 3
My experimentation with LLMs on day 1 and day 2 of Advent of Code was a bit frustrating. For the day 3 puzzle, I decided to change model. Previously I had been using the codellama:13b model but wasn’t really happy. I kept arguing with it and it just frustrated me. So let’s try some others.
codellama:34b So I thought maybe the model just wasn’t big enough, so off we went
AI-dvent of Code 2023: Day 2
After day 1 of Advent of Code was only partially successful, I thought I would change my approach. Yesterday I tried to get the LLM to develop the whole solution in one go. But that was more like argumentative programming rather than conversational programming, so for the day 2 puzzle I start with small problems and hope to put it all together at the end.
Let’s get started The problem looked quite straightforward, parse something like the following
AI-dvent of Code 2023: Day 1
So it is that time of the year again. Advent of Code is back. Yey! This means I get to try to look at a new language again. This time, why not Kotlin? But as an extra challenge, I thought why not see how the vaunted LLMs would help. Is AI really the accelerator that would elevate a mere developer to a rockstar ninja (whatever that is)?
I have to add that I am a bit of an AI sceptic and keep saying that