November 2024

19th-22nd: Agile Testing Days: Potsdam
Love Letter to Legacy
rejected related blogpost

6th-7th: Agile in the City: Bristol:
missed submission, CFP closed 21st April

5th: LeadingEng Berlin
From engineer to head of engineering

4th-8th: Manchester Tech Festival:
AppSec Loves Agile
rejected related blogpost
Love Letter to Legacy
rejected related blogpost

October 2024

7th-11th: Devoxx Belgium
AppSec Loves Agile
submitted related blogpost
Love Letter to Legacy
submitted related blogpost

5th: BSides Newcastle
AppSec Loves Agile
submitted related blogpost

September 2024

26th-27th: DevOpsDays London
AppSec Loves Agile
rejected related blogpost
Love Letter to Legacy
rejected related blogpost

25th-27th: Lean Agile Scotland
AppSec Loves Agile
accepted related blogpost

17th-19th: 44Con: London
AppSec Loves Agile
rejected related blogpost

12th Agile Tour Vienna
AppSec Loves Agile
accepted but had to withdraw related blogpost

10th: Fast Flow Conf
not submitted, CFP closed 19th May

July 2024

20th: SteelCon: Sheffield
AppSec for devs: the good, the bad and the ugly
accepted related blogpost

4th-5th: Agile on the Beach
Application security loves agile
accepted related blogpost

June 2024

19th-21st: DevOpsDays Amsterdam
Love Letter to Legacy
accepted related blogpost

15th: BSides Leeds
AppSec for devs: the good, the bad and the ugly
rejected related blogpost

10th-14th: PlatformCon: virtual
Love Letter to Legacy
accepted related blogpost

May 2024

15th-17th: Agile Manchester
Love Letter to Legacy
accepted related blogpost experience report

8th-10th: Devoxx UK
AppSec Loves Agile
rejected related blogpost

April 2024

4th: BSides Prague
Precision Munitions for Denial of Service
submitted but no response related blogpost

March 2024

27th: BSides Lancashire
AppSec Loves Agile
accepted but had to withdraw related blogpost

14th-15th: NullCon: Berlin
AppSec Loves Agile
rejected related blogpost

February 2024

29th-1st: DevWorld
Why your best engineers should look after the worst systems
rejected related blogpost

December 2023

4th-7th: BlackHat Europe
Precision Munitions for Denial of Service
rejected related blogpost

October 2023

2nd-5th: Devoxx Belgium
AppSec is Agile
rejected related blogpost

September 2023

30th: BSides Newcastle
Precision Munitions for Denial of Service
video related blogpost experience report

21st-22nd: DevOpsDays London
Give the Worst Jobs to the Best Engineers
rejected related blogpost

21st: OWASP Manchester
Precision Munitions for Denial of Service
video related blogpost

13th-15th: 44con
Precision Munitions for Denial of Service
video related blogpost experience report

July 2023

6th-7th Agile on the beach
Why your best engineers should look after the worst systems
video related blogpost experience report

June 2023

24th: BSides Leeds
Precision Munitions for Denial of Service
video related blogpost experience report

May 2023

25th-26th: NewCrafts Paris
Give your best developers the worst jobs
rejected related blogpost

15th-17th: DevOps Enterprise Summit Amsterdam
Scaling application security to 100+ teams at HMRC Digital accepted but had to withdraw talk - experience report

3rd: Experts Talks Online
Scaling application security to 100+ teams at HMRC Digital

March 2023

30th: BSides Lancashire
Precision Munitions for Denial of Service
video related blogpost

February 2023

15th-16th: OWASP Global AppSec: Dublin 2023
Securing digital services at HMRC Digital
accepted but had to withdraw

December 2022

1st: Conf42 DevSecOps
Securing digital services at HMRC Digital

September 2022

25th-27th: Lean Agile Scotland
Securing digital services at HMRC Digital

22nd-24th: Agile India
Securing digital services at HMRC Digital

7th: Experts Talks Online
How HMRC Digital secures its services at scale